About Me

My name is Meagan, and I live in the mountains of eastern Kentucky, though I am a Virginia native. I am a wife, mother of two children, soon-to-be author, and founder of She's Armed. My husband and I serve in ministry, and we believe that God is sending forth messengers in this hour for harvest and the return of the Lord Jesus. My first ministries are first to God and then my family. However, I love to do what God has called me to do in worshipping, leading, writing, speaking, and praying to see others set free and walk in who Christ created them to be. My heart is to see fullness in the body of Christ, unity, and a bride who knows her position and mission. I believe this starts individually and in the family unit, which overflows into our churches. I have walked through many difficult seasons as a wife and mother, as well as just a person trying to follow Jesus. To the best of my ability, I have relied on the Holy Spirit and have given you revelation from the word of God and the experiential wisdom I have learned through trials, tribulations, and failures. I pray you will be encouraged and equipped to stand firm, armed in truth, and walk victoriously in Christ Jesus.